Now Sonny don’t you be afraid
Your going to be a doctor.
You study hard, just like Dad said,
You’ll be a grand concocter.

You know I may get ill someday,
You must learn to keep me well,
Your teacher says if you’ll obey
That you can easy read and spell.

Now you be good and always mind,
Listen closely what she says,
You’ll find your teacher very kind
In the end you’ll find it pays.

Think, you are almost six years old,
Come Son let me fix your tie,
Now all this knowledge will unfold
You are now too old to cry.

Our Son
H E Crane
And Son take great care on the road
Hurry back old honey bunch,
Then down the lane our Junior strode
In his hand he had his lunch.

Into a school for him while we
Can never be reconciled,
How we do miss him on our knee
For he was a perfect child.

Left, that morning and we were glad,
We had always had him near,
But as he left our hearts were sad
While Mama, she, shed a tear.